Chiropractors can apply this treatment to balance the meridians and energy of various organs to improve visceral function, and can help with blood sugar issues, nerve function, immune system enhancement, accelerated cell recovery, increased vitality, improved digestion and normal functioning of the gastrointestinal system, stress reduction, improved metabolism, and alleviation of allergy sensitivities.
Total Body Modification, abbreviated as TBM, was founded by a medical research team led by the renowned American chiropractic neurologist Dr. Victor Frank. It integrates traditional Chinese medicine meridian studies, Western reflex zone therapy, muscle kinetics, psychology, homeopathy, and the characteristics of chiropractic neurology to develop a medical approach. Scientific research reports indicate that if the central nervous system and autonomic nervous system that control various body functions are exposed to sufficient stimuli (such as joint misalignment, malnutrition or high internal toxins, or excessive psychological stress), the neurons controlling a specific organ or body part will change their charge (similar to a power surge causing a trip in household appliances). This forms the neural interference often mentioned in chiropractic neurology. That is, the nerve signals sent from a specific organ to the brain will be affected by the "tripped" neurons, preventing the brain from accurately controlling the related organs 100%. In other words, because the nervous system affects immunity, the "tripped" neurons will cause the immune system to be unable to exert its highest efficiency to fight diseases and repair damaged tissues. Energy therapy TBM is based on the above principles to develop a set of detection methods to find these "tripped" neurons and stimulate the relevant neurons in the brain with chiropractic spinal nerve treatment to restore their charge. Just like repairing a computer switch, when the "tripped" neurons are "repaired", the nervous system can accurately control various body functions again.
Emotion Management&Stress Adaptation Pain& Physical Therapy Neurological disorders